This notebook shows you how aupyom can be used to:
Aupyom provides a Sound class used to load audio data either:
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from aupyom import Sound
You can directly load an audio file:
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from aupyom.util import example_audio_file
audio_file = example_audio_file()
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s1 = Sound.from_file(audio_file)
And you can also directly feed the Sound class with numpy data. For instance, here we compute the well-known 440Hz sinusoid.
In [4]:
import numpy
freq = 440.0
sr = 22050
t = 10.0
s2 = Sound(numpy.sin(2 * numpy.pi * freq * numpy.linspace(0, t, sr * t)), sr)
To play and mix your sounds together, you first need to create a Sampler. It uses portaudio as a backend to access your soundcard.
Note: as it accesses your soundcard, only one instance of Sampler should be opened at the same time.
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from aupyom import Sampler
sampler = Sampler()
Then, to start playing sounds you just use:
Note that this method returns immediatly and does not wait for the sound to be entirely played. It only triggers the sound play.
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You can access the playing property to check if a sound is currently played by the sampler.
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You can also access all played sounds via:
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You can play multiple sounds at a same time. Assuming s1 is still playing, you can mix it with s2:
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s1 and s2 are automatically mixed.
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As illustrated below, there is no limitation on the number of sounds you can mix.
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import numpy
def soundwave(f, t=10., sr=22050):
return Sound(numpy.sin(2 * numpy.pi * freq * numpy.linspace(0, t, sr * t)), sr)
waves = [soundwave(440 * note) for note in range(1, 12)]
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for w in waves:
Sound can also be played directly in the notebook as widget.
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